Somehow it got to be mid-December without me realizing it. We have partially decorated the house for Christmas (tree, stockings, nativity, wreaths) and I sent out Christmas cards. But still no presents under the tree and I don't foresee a time when I will acquire any gifts- no time for shopping! Not to mention no ideas for presents either. Oh well, hopefully I will be forgiven.
Christmas card picture 2012 |
The days go by so fast around here. I swear I look at the clock every afternoon and think "How did it get to be 3 o'clock already? I haven't done anything!" Took me 4 days to clean the bathrooms- pathetic! We're doing 2 spoon feedings a day now (lunch and dinner) in addition to the 5 bottle feedings, and Leah's feedings in between, so I really am feeding babies all day long. We have started veggies- sweet potatoes! Big kids ate it, but were quite unsure about it. Levi hated it. Allison gobbled it up- I guess she has been waiting for real food. Caroline is the best eater- that girl loves her cereal! Andrew sometimes waits patiently and other times cries whenever the spoon goes towards someone else. While waiting for food they can all get pretty cranky and tuned up. Dave entertains them by clapping loudly and I entertain them with silly dance moves and singing "Itsy Bitsy Spider". They calm down every time! During the song, Caroline and Allison always giggle at "washed the spider out". It's so cute.
Allison being her messy diva self |
Levi likes it! |
The babies are so fun right now! The big ones are really starting to sit up. Levi can do it sometimes, Alli has NO interest whatsoever. She prefers to stand, definitely the little diva. They all love to play with their feet. Levi often stares at his feet and hands, but his favorite thing is jumping. He just started rolling around and is SO proud of himself. He has even back flipped over his boppy pillow. They are interested in each other and Maggie as well. Caroline seems to be the most advanced and I predict she'll be the first to crawl. She is very curious, grabs at everything, and rolls across the floor. She seems to enjoy Maggie the most. Andrew is super whiny right now and is gnawing on everything... so I think he may be teething. BUT he's twinkle toes no more! He stands up with his feet flat. He is the craziest sleeper and has the best hillbilly laugh. Ben is just fat and happy. His new trick is to squeal- high pitched and loud. He is more tolerant of being on his tummy and his big belly helps him balance while sitting. He enjoys standing upright in his starfish position- legs wide, head high, and arms straight out horizontally. Their current weights range from 11 lbs (Leah) to 19 lbs (Ben)! Still 5 lb difference between bigs and littles. They are great at sleeping through the night now, and I may get brave enough to skip the dream feed soon.
Andrew, Caroline, and Benjamin showing off their new skills |
Levi still doesn't have his helmet, but I'm hoping all the paperwork side of it gets done soon. Allison's hemangioma is being monitored by a surgeon now. Leah's on an extra high calorie formula now to attempt to boost her weight gain. She is still not eating well. She managed to pull out her button again this week. The ER visit wasn't too long which was nice, but I could handle not going to the ER for a long time.
We got their 2nd dose of flu shots recently and it went very smoothly. The pedi let me pull up the van to the back entrance and bring in 2 at a time to get a shot then switch them out in the van. It only took 15 min! I love that our doctor is flexible and accommodating. It was also raining, just for kicks.
Did I mention they will be 8 months old in 8 days?! I'll be planning a birthday party before I know it.