Monday, May 14, 2012

Recap of Week 2 (written 5/10/12)

I'm sure you all saw us somewhere from our media coverage.  That was an interesting experience!  We are glad our moment in the spotlight is fading, the media world is not for us.  It was interesting to see what footage people used; there were a few things taken out of context and misquotes, but overall we felt everyone did a good job.  I have heard a few friends mention that they got some cool points at work because they know the people with sextuplets :)  And some people at church are asking to be in the sextuplets small group. lol  Also, since Leah got special attention on the news, everyone asks specifically about her- even strangers.  One nurse told me her son's teacher told the class about us and mentioned Leah so now he asks her about Leah all the time.  Here are some pics of the interview room and our view of the press conference...

Dave returned to work this week so that's been an adjustment.  He definitely leaves on time now so he can see the babies on the way home.  I've been dependent on others driving me to the hospital and so far I've had no trouble mooching rides, everyone's as excited to see them and hold them as I am!  

The babies are just amazing!  Andrew, Benjamin, Allison, and Caroline are all off CPAP and on full breast milk.  They really just need to grow right now.  Andrew and Benjamin are over 3 lbs!  In a couple weeks we'll start trying bottle feeding on these 4.  Leah and Levi are also doing well, just moving slower.  They both started breast milk yesterday in combo with the IV nutrition.  Both are tolerating it well, but their intestines aren't moving along as they should, so we need them to poop!  They are both on CPAP and will be on for awhile.  Levi is very active and tiny- still under 2 lbs.  Leah is showing much more activity, her last day on the ventilator she was really fighting it.  She's over 2 lbs now and MUCH LESS puffy.  She's made tons of progress in the last week.  A nurse told me the other day that our babies are all acting like singleton babies and you'd never know they were six in the same womb.  We've had several nurses ask to be primaries for our babies because they love taking care of them; we love that the nurses are getting attached to them.  Our new doctor, fellow, and residents are all great and we have no complaints.  

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