A little behind getting this up, but better late than never! Reaching the 12 month milestone just seems huge for me. A couple of fellow high order multiple moms told me when I was pregnant that if we could make it through the first year then we'd be ok. Well, we made it! So, we're going to be ok, right?
Before I get into their individual 12 month stats, I'll recap other appointments we took on as a group. First, we visited the developmental pediatrician with Ben, Andrew, Allison, and Levi (other 2 had already been). Just as with the first appointment, no surprises. Everyone's behind in language. The doc was most concerned with Ben's gross motor skills and Andrew's tendency to go up on his toes. Both of those issues have gotten better since the appointment.
We also went to the dentist for the first time! It went way better than I expected. The dentist and her staff were fantastic- even got on the floor to play with my kids and entertain them and came out to help load the stroller and babies. The actual dentist did this! And she specializes in special needs kids and is excited to get started with Leah this early. They all handled the first teeth brushing with ease and got the thumbs up from the dentist. I have started brushing their teeth now, they don't protest so it's not so bad yet.
12 mo. well checks also went well. Everyone except Leah and Levi are now on whole milk and we are using sippy cups only- no bottles!! They had to get 4 shots each and were definitely little troopers. Andrew was first and he was the only one to really cry. We did get a few "how can you let them do this to me?!" looks.
Ok, here we go, in birth order...
Andrew Noah
4/23/12 |
4/23/13 |
Andrew is a busy boy. He is a super crawler and goes from crawling to standing like it's nothing. He has stood independently a few times for a few seconds. He pulls up on anything and everything- whether it's a good idea or not. He cruises around and picks things up off the floor while standing. He is very curious and gets into everything. He also figured out how to escape the baby pen; he doesn't always escape, but if he wants to he will find a way. I have to keep my eye on this one all the time! I've caught him going for the dog food, dog toys, Leah's medical equipment, guitar stands, you name it. Andrew likes to steal his siblings' cups at the table, drop his behind the table, and pull off his bib. He also likes to hillbilly laugh (he thinks everything is hilarious), follow me if I say "come here", get hugs, follow and watch Maggie, squeal loudly, and stand in his crib and peer into Ben's and Levi's. He is a great eater, especially with finger foods. He is also very flexible and we call him Yoga Baby sometimes. At birth he was 2 lb 13 oz and 15 in long. At 1 year he is 22 lb 15 oz and 28.5 in long. He has 2 teeth in and more on the brink. He's in 12 mo size clothes and size 3, almost size 4 diapers.
Benjamin Luke
4/23/12 |
4/23/13 |
Everyone loves those cheeks! My big Benny boo brings joy to everyone with his big smiles, silly sounds, and funny faces. He is by far the most vocal. He says "mama" all the time, but he says it to everyone, so I'm not convinced it's really his first word. He comes up with a new silly sound about once a week and does it constantly- usually loudly too. The last one we call his mating call because he does it while staring at lady volunteers. Obviously, Ben is a good eater. He's not always keen on new foods, but he comes around. He has started self feeding finger foods and holds his own cup. Also, Ben has finally started moving!!! This is huge for him. He can roll (though not often), can go from sitting to all 4s, rock on his knees, and stand independently every now and then. He is also cruising furniture. Ben doesn't like to bend at the waist, so when he falls, he falls straight back. He doesn't like to share his toys either. He has 4 teeth. He's in size 12 mo clothing and size 3, almost size 4 diapers. At birth he was 2 lb 15 oz and 15 in long. At 1 year he is 23 lb 5 oz and 27.75 in long.
Caroline Grace
4/23/12 |
4/23/12 |
Sweet girl Caroline. Her smile lights up her whole face while she shows off her 4 teeth and crinkles her nose. She has a deep belly laugh that we love to hear. Caroline is a morning person; always pops up her head with a big grin and wiggles with excitement when she sees you coming to get her. She says "dada" all the time, but like Ben, we're not convinced she knows what she's saying. She loves blowing raspberries and will do it reciprocally. She also likes to dance and will sway with any music and clap. Her very favorite thing is to walk with assistance; she grabs on to your hands and takes off- really, she's pretty fast and she knows exactly where she wants to go. She can army crawl, but prefers not to. She can cruise along furniture and pick up something off the floor while standing. This girl loves her sleep! She can last about 2 hours awake and she is done- you know when she gets those 2 fingers in her mouth that it's over. She also likes to "read" books (i.e. hold and turn pages). Caroline is in size 9-12 mo clothes and size 3 diapers. At birth she was 2 lb 11 oz and 14 in long. At a year she is 20 lb 10 oz and 28.25 in long.
Leah Michelle
4/23/12 |
4/23/13 |
Little Leah Peah. She makes everyone stop with her smiles. She is the sweetest, cuddliest little thing! She loves music- especially If you're happy and you know it, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Head Shoulders Knees and Toes. She likes when you clap her hands for her and stretch her and move her around. She can sit independently for a few seconds, and a full minute with a boppy for support. She continues to make more noises/sounds for us and show progress with all her therapy. Her eating has a long way to go, but we keep on truckin. A young girl was over recently and told me, "Leah is probably my favorite. She doesn't do much, but that's ok. She's a baby. And she's special." I love that her therapists stay longer to play and love on her too. She has come a long way this year and we hope to see just as much improvement in years to come. Leah wears size 6 mo clothes and size 2 diapers. She has 2 teeth. At birth she was 1 lb 11 oz and 13 in long and at a year is 14 lb 12 oz and 25.25 in long.
Allison Kate
4/23/12- only one I had! |
4/23/13 |
Allison, Alli, Alli Kate, Alli Cat, Allikins, Smidgeon, Smidge, Smidgie, Stinkerina- I think she needs a few more nicknames. I've said it before, but this girl's got spunk! Don't mess with her (that includes you Andrew and Benjamin!) because she'll push you out of her way and maybe even bite you. She is a drama queen for sure. She loves to eat and is the quickest finger feeder. She will act like she's dying while waiting for her turn for food or for her cup to make it to the table. She likes to bang her cup on the table while looking at you for a reaction, but will not put the cup to her mouth. She has just started nodding her head for more food and anything else she wants. It's so cute! She is a great crawler now and loves to follow Andrew around while they laugh at each other. She's a super cruiser and puller upper too. She just started clapping. She says "mama" like Ben does and likes to smack her lips; she also makes silly sounds. She sucks her thumb to sleep and has been the only one to show some separation anxiety. She has recently become my little shadow. She is amazing at finding the tiniest particle on the table, floor, etc and picking it up and getting it into her mouth. Allison has 2 teeth with 2 more on the brink. She wears size 6 mo clothes and size 2 diapers. At birth she was 2 lb 6 oz and 14 in long. At a year she is 15 lb 5 oz and 26 in long.
Levi Thomas
4/23/12 |
4/23/13 |
LL Cool L- Ladies Love Cool Levi! Not sure if it's the helmet, the grin, or the cute tiny body, but this guy gets all the girls' attention. When Levi came home from the NICU I was worried. He cried all the time, look terrified all the time, and stayed up all night crying and spitting up. He is totally opposite now. He's always happy, easy-going, great at entertaining himself and gets along the best with his siblings. He loves to play peek-a-boo with you and initiates it. He deliberately will put balls into a toy and watch for them to roll out. He is still a rolly polly, but now is a super fast army crawler. He loves to bounce and clap on his knees and just figured out how to pull to a stand. He can cruise around toys too. He has picked up the finger feeding and is just getting the hang of holding his own sippy cup. He still doesn't like new food items, but has gotten used to everything within a few days. With the most rashes and ointments, Levi has some sensitive skin. He has also started "talking" more. Levi has 2 teeth and wears size 6 mo clothing and size 2 diapers. At birth he was 1 lb 10 oz and 12 in long. Now he is 15 lb 2 oz and 24.5 in.
As you can see they have changed tremendously in a year's time!! We are loving watching them grow and change as each week passes. Our family photographer, Brandi Smith, put together a short video showing clips of the photo shoots she's done at 5 mo and 12 mo. Hope you enjoy it!