Right now we're dealing with a cold going around the babies. First Levi, then Andrew, now Caroline and Leah, and Ben and Allison seem to have a very mild version. Caroline's the worst, poor thing. She's super cranky and has snot galore. I am thankful that we've had no fevers and they've been recovering on their own! Dave also got the cold, and a few friends :/
Sick Caroline staying up late with Mommy |
This past week I finally upgraded to the next level in bathtubs! It still fits over the sink (I'm holding out on the regular tub as long as I can- just thinking of my poor back and knees), but has 2 seats- one for sitters and one for non-sitters. So, Leah can recline a bit and the others and can sit up! Ben, Alli, and Caroline have mastered splashing the water, which means I'm nice and wet by the end of bath time. It's almost like riding the Tidal Wave at AstroWorld. If you don't remember AstroWorld, you just made me feel old - thanks. Anyway, they love it!
Ben loves his bath |
Allison excited over the new tub |
Levi says- Another new thing? |
We've also started "snack training"- or that's what I'm calling it. It means we're doing the 2:30pm feeding at the table with their milk in sippy cups and they're given some finger food (puffs/cheerios) snacks. So far we've had to finish on the boppies because they can't quite lift their sippy cups high enough to get the second half. Allison is a pro with the finger foods! Andrew and Caroline pick them up, but have a hard time getting it in their mouth. Ben's cool if you put it in his mouth for him and Levi wants nothing to do with it (he doesn't like new things). Maggie thinks it's raining puffs under the table :)
Leah is now eating 2 tsp twice a day! Brunch of plain oatmeal cereal and lunch of rice cereal mixed with a veggie. So far she's tried sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, and green beans. She did not like the squash. Anything new she cries through the first day, but slowly gets used to it. I use quite a few distraction techniques to keep her eating and not gagging, but she does take the food and keep it down! Next goal- a whole tablespoon at once. She is also improving with her motor skills, especially head control, and vision therapy will soon be added to her therapy schedule. I'm excited for this new opportunity!
Valentine's Day! |
Cool dudes in their shades |